How to Create & Optimize an Instagram Business Profile

Last week we discussed how to create a Facebook business page so I decided that this week I would walk you through how to create an Instagram business page as well! Although they are similar, personal Instagram accounts are different than business accounts. When you turn an account into a business profile it automatically gives the account extra features so that each business can optimize their pages. These features include adding locations, business hours, contact information and more. It is important to utilize all that is given to you when setting up these accounts so that you can engage with your community of followers. 

Step #1: Choose a username that is not too confusing and represents your company well. If you have a longer business name consider shortening it for a username and be sure that this username is the same as all your other social media platforms. 

Step #2: Choose a profile picture that represents your business and its values. This could be a company logo, a picture of the business' building or even a picture of some employees or founders. Again, make sure this remains the same across other social media platforms your business is on. Make sure this image is properly cropped and looks good.

Step #3: Add a bio to your profile. This should briefly explain who your business is and what you are promoting. You have a limited number of characters for a bio so be sure to concisely share the important information. You can also add a link to your bio. 

Step #4: Utilize all the business profile features and add your hours, location, contact information and anything else you wish your viewers to be able to see. 

Now that your account is all set up and looking fantastic, it is time to start posting and adding content that reflects your brand and entertains your target audience. With your business profile, you have access to a dashboard that gives you resources to help grow your audiences and continue striving to do better with each post. This dashboard shows your account performance, insights, promotions, branded content approvals, Instagram shopping and saved replies. These tools will help you run a successful business account. I hope this helped as you begin your journey of running a business account and I can't wait to see all of your fantastic content.


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