
Showing posts from May, 2024

Essentials of Social Media Marketing

As I wrap up the final assignment for my social media class, I wanted to take some time and reflect on our textbook for this course. We used "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" by Michelle Charello as our guidance throughout this class. I personally really enjoyed this textbook! I know some people had mixed feelings about it, but overall I think it was very helpful. It was incredibly easy to access since it was an online textbook. I hate carrying around heavy books in my bag, so I love it when things are online. With the purchase of this book we also got access to the simternship that was one of our major assignments for this class. Stukent provided us with great resources to aid our learning.  All the chapters followed a similar setup. I liked the routine of this. It helped me understand exactly what I needed to know by laying it out clearly. At the end of each chapter it also provided a practice quiz which I utilized for the two main exams we took in this class. The text...

Finals, Auditions, Juries, Oh My!

The MT Freshman class! We officially have one week left of freshman year! Saying that out loud feels insane. I just got here, right? Well now that we are in our final few days of the semester, it is officially the craziest time of the year for the theater majors. On top of finals in our regular classes we also have auditions, juries, dance exhibitions and freshman showcase. Luckily I was able to take my final exam for two of my classes this past week so it didn't fall at the same time as everything else. I still have plenty of finals to take in the next week because I thought it would be smart to schedule myself for 20 credit hours.  Auditions for the next semester's shows always fall at this time and it is probably the worst possible timing. We have so much going on and it is awful to add the stress of auditions on top of that. These auditions are specifically for the fall musical and play intensive. When we return to campus in August we will audition for the dance show and Ho...

Closing Weekend!

Dressing Room Pals! The time has come! After nearly nine weeks of rehearsals, tech and shows, "9 to 5" is officially over. It feels absolutely crazy to say that out loud. This has been such a huge part of my life for the past few weeks and I don't know what to do with myself now that I have free time because that was non-existent throughout this whole process. However, we are getting into the hardest two weeks of the semester so I won't have much free time after all.  The puppet girls ;) I want to talk you through how this weekend went so I can remember every moment of it! We had a brush-up rehearsal Thursday to make sure that we still remembered the show and didn't have any issues. It was a really chill rehearsal with no costumes, makeup or lights. We had one show Friday and two shows Saturday, so we made sure to soak up every minute of it. I was extra excited for this weekend because my mom, little brother and grandma were coming to visit and see the show! I had...

Social Media Simternship

One of our main assignments for the Principles of Social Media class I have been taking this semester was completing a simulation of what it is like to be a digital marketer for a company. There were 12 rounds in total and we had the majority of the semester to complete them. I remember feeling overwhelmed when we first got the assignment because I had never done anything like this before, but once I got going I noticed that each round got easier.  The Stukent Social Media Simternship is a simulation that helps the student work on creating organic social media posts, paid social posts, work with influencers and know how to do all of this while balancing a strict budget. While doing these main tasks we also have to decide the proper way to respond to customer messages, examine prior company data, analyze strategies and more. The Simternship is based on working for a bag company called Buhi Supply Co. They offer a variety of bags for every occasion which helps marketing strategies....