Essentials of Social Media Marketing
As I wrap up the final assignment for my social media class, I wanted to take some time and reflect on our textbook for this course. We used "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" by Michelle Charello as our guidance throughout this class. I personally really enjoyed this textbook! I know some people had mixed feelings about it, but overall I think it was very helpful. It was incredibly easy to access since it was an online textbook. I hate carrying around heavy books in my bag, so I love it when things are online. With the purchase of this book we also got access to the simternship that was one of our major assignments for this class. Stukent provided us with great resources to aid our learning. All the chapters followed a similar setup. I liked the routine of this. It helped me understand exactly what I needed to know by laying it out clearly. At the end of each chapter it also provided a practice quiz which I utilized for the two main exams we took in this class. The text...