Spring Break Recap!

The worst time of the year has officially come. That time that I'm talking about is having to come back to school after spring break. It's a miserable feeling! However, I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to be able to go home and have a week off from school. While many people were in Florida or on cruises, I on the other hand just had a relaxing week at home. 

Let's rewind to before break started. I do not have a car on campus so my older sister made the 8-hour drive here on Thursday night to spend the night with me and go with me to my classes on Friday. It was so nice to spend time with her and show her around campus. I had classes until 3:50 p.m. on Friday so I made sure I was all packed and ready to go right after my last class. We started our journey back and made it home at 1:00 a.m.

On Saturday I was up bright and early getting ready for a fun day with my high school friends! Most of our spring breaks aligned so we made sure to take advantage of that! I drove to Messiah University that morning to meet my friends Kayla and Becca and they got to show me around their campus and we got lunch there. Our other friend Darin met up with us and we all got to spend quality time together for most of the day! Later that evening we got dinner together and headed to our old high school to see the spring musical. It was so special seeing everyone there! I am so grateful for every moment I get to spend with these people.

Sunday was a nice day of relaxation at home with my mom and little brother. We went to church that morning and it was nice to see everyone there. My favorite part about Sundays at home is taking a nap in the afternoon on the couch! My mom and I always turn the TV on and take a nap in the living room. I will always be a huge nap advocate. We went back to church in the evening and I finished the day off by watching a movie with my family. 

On Monday I woke up early to drive my little brother to school so he would not have to take the bus. After that I went to a local coffee shop to get breakfast and do some homework to make sure I stayed caught up with everything over break. Later I had a dentist appointment to get my cleaning done. The rest of the day I was able to relax at home!

Tuesday was a very eventful day. I had another dentist appointment to get some work done after my cleaning the day before. My mom and I went to the mall in the afternoon to get some last-minute things we needed for that evening. We picked up my brother from school on the way home and began getting ready for the event we had that night. There is a big theatre in our hometown called Sight & Sound and this company's slogan is "Where the Bible comes to life." They produce original shows based on Biblical stories. My little brother was a child actor there for a few years so we got invited to the red carpet premiere of their brand new show Daniel. I was so excited to be home just in time for this! The show was incredible and it was so nice to see so many people I know at this event and to be able to go with some of my family. 

On Wednesday I just relaxed and got stuff done at home. Then on Thursday it was so warm outside so I was outside all day! I took my dog, Maggie, on a long walk and we ended up relaxing at a nearby park for a few hours. It was so beautiful out. I wish it was like this all the time! Later on I went thrifting with some friends and then picked my brother up at his school after his rehearsal was over. We went on another walk in the evening because we couldn't get enough of the sunshine. 

Friday was another fun day! It was warm out again so I got some of my spring clothes out. My mom and I were able to go to breakfast together at a cute place in my hometown. In the afternoon I had a follow-up appointment with my primary care doctor from being in the hospital a few weeks prior. We finally figured out that my gallbladder is essentially malfunctioning so I will need to get it taken out eventually. In the evening I went to see a show at the Fulton Theatre in Lancaster City with my mom,
sister and sister-in-law. It was so fun to watch, especially because I am in rehearsals for that same show here on campus!

Saturday was two of my brothers' birthdays! They are not twins, they were just born on the same exact day 13 years apart! I spent the day preparing for a surprise birthday party I was throwing for my little brother. He had never had a birthday party before so I wanted to make his 15th birthday special! He had rehearsal for his school show during the day so I used that time to prepare the house for his friends coming over. My mom made her famous mac and cheese with other snacks and drinks for the party. After they all ate dinner I drove them to a nearby park to play around in the fields and watch the sunset. Later we went back to the house and had cake and played games and watched a movie. He was so happy! 

On Sunday I was up bright and early at 5 a.m. to begin the drive back to campus with my dad. I was so sad that break was already over, but looking back I realized how much I got to do and how relaxing it was! I am always so grateful for the time I get to spend at home now that I live so far away. I cherish time with my family so much more than I ever did before. It was so fun looking back over my spring break and I hope that you enjoyed it too! Just remember, we are one step closer to summer! 


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